Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Projects ......... Old Projects

I am constantly between an old project and a new one. I guess it is much better than a rock and a hard place. Haha. Anyway I am winding down and hoping to finish the "Shot Project" by this spring of "08. I can not believe I started this project in 2005. There will be one more shooting session and a ton of post work. I can not wait to see it when it is finished. I have photographed over 50 people at this point.

Next I have been wanting to bring good ol' film back into my life. I have missed her. I am beginning a series that will be shot at night all on 120 roll film. I can not wait to stand on the street corners with a tripod , light meter, and a stopwatch.

Another new project is the "Shutterbabes". This has been a lot of talk for me and now it is time for action. I am trying to gather as many female shutterbugs as I can and I hope we start hitting the streets in March.

1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

i may be joining you with some 120 film. i miss it too.