Friday, June 27, 2008

Photo Essay on JPGMAG's Website

I have been a busy snappy snapper. I am currently working on my first of a series of self published books also I entered a Photo Essay for review and voting on JPG Magazine's website. If you have a moment swing on by and tell me what you think.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Live is a Wonderful Concoction!

I was sitting here if front of my computer staring at the white text box of my blog. What to write, what to write? I thought to myself, I could write about Art Conspiracy, The need for another Shutterbabes Outing, Happenings at Kettle Art, My latest published work, New photographic interests, recent encounters or just link everything and let you all take a look.

All in all life is a beautiful mixture and my community never ceases to amaze me. I can not thank the Artists, musicians, volunteers, Art Con Gang and everyone in attendance for coming out last Saturday. SEED was a wonderful success and a rockin' good time. We have raised a nice chunk of change to move toward Art Con IV. Let's shake things up shall we! Check out the video by the Amazing Cindy of Fine Line Live!

On the photography front, things have been busy and I am getting to work on many interesting projects. I have yet to have the same day twice. I can not imagine ever growing bored with the medium. I still learn more almost everyday and still get giddy like school child when a camera is in my hands! I have been working toward a bunch of new goals for '08 and some are getting close to completion. I can not wait! Exciting times!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hello Blog, its me Erica......

Well I have missed you terribly. It has been well over a month since I posted an entry. I had to dust off the page just to view it. All I can say is that life has been very busy and full these days. I have seen several great friends get married, ran off to an all gals getaway in the west texas desert, got pulled over in boston with someone else driving my rental car, created the belt buckle cam for a party, witnessed many good friends birthdays and even managed to take a few pictures along the way. I will be recapping some of these events and more in the next couple of days. But for now please check my flickr for a visual reference.

With all of that aside, do you have plans for this weekend? Ofcourse you do, come on down to Art Conspiracy's SEED at Sons of Hermann Hall from 8pm - 12am. Check out Art Conspiracy who is now an official 501 c3!!!!