Friday, November 9, 2007

Art Chicas, Three of a Kind, Whirlyball and More...

It is Friday.... typically a day achieved that creates relief. Not the case this week. The last five days have been a wonderfully hectic build-up to this weekend. Tonight there is a crazy get together for Hal Samples and friends at SPACE. I hear there is even a surprise performance scheduled for this evening. Hopefully I get to bed early for tomorrow brings a new adventure.

Bright and early I will arrive at City Gallery to set-up for a day of sharing and mentoring. Me and a group of other female artists are involved in phase one of a new program called "Art Chicas Unidas". The program was started by La Reunion, they are up to all kinds of good in Dallas. I will be working with a group of high school girls and some cameras. The goal is to teach them a little history, some mechanics, some computer skills, and presentation. The end result will be a a framed photograph to hang in a show. Did I mention the show is tomorrow night? Well it sure is. The show will be installed at the end of the day and all can come and see the work. Reception is from 7pm - 9pm. There is more....

After Art Chicas Unidas I will be heading to Kettle Art for the opening of "Three of a Kind". We installed this show on wednesday and I am excited to see what the crowd thinks. There are 34 pieces total for your viewing pleasure. Come on out for an evening of fun!
Install Night for Three of a Kind

Lastly on Sunday the Art Conspiracy gang is having a team building outing. WHIRLYBALL!!! If you are not familiar with this sport click on whirlyball for more information. The last time I played this game I giggled uncontrollably. I can not think of a better way to end the weekend! Art Conspiracy is drawing near, the artists slots are full, the bands are scheduled, and a huge mural is being painted next weekend. Don't forget to put December 9th in your calendars 6-10pm.


Unknown said...

what a crazy weekend. I can't wait!

Sarah Jane said...

i can't wait for whirley ball either! jayme and i went out after the show last night and she was CERTAIN we were going to have a fabulous time.

thank you for yesterday. you are such a gift.