Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reality Check, what an adventure! Part one

Well I landed in Philadelphia last Friday night (Actually it was Saturday morning) after 1am. I grabbed my bags from the overhead compartment and departed on my east coast adventure. I have many thanks to a wonderful friend who picked me up so late and let me crash on her couch. After a couple hours of sleep it was scarf selection time, then to boot or chuck? I went with the chucks do to the nature of walking so much in Manhattan. Off we went at 6:30am for the Big Apple. It was a quick drive minus missing one turn due to sleep deprivation. We zipped along the Jersey turnpike right past the hospital of my birth. Then through Jersey City into the Holland Tunnel, which by the way is $8 just to drive through, Geesh. Just a couple more blocks and we would be there. Circling around the West Village we pass a line of people all holding portfolios looking sleeping and full of anticipation. We were trying to find a place to make a photocopy real quick because of course I missed something in the application. After no luck because it was too early I decided to queue up with the rest. Jen dropped me on the corner and me, my dreams and aspirations trucked along the Manhattan pavement to line up with my piers. The sun was beaming upon us with little to know breeze and several artists around me were frantically finishing the application. I was quiet for about 5 minutes then started chatting with the folks around me. Behind me was Lindsay and in front was Jeremy, Molly, Sebastian and Tamara. Little did we know but we were about to stand on a Manhattan city block for an entire day together. to be continued....

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