Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A day in the Life of... Part 2

After writing the last post I got to thinking about all of the strange and interesting encounters I have had in photo world. So I decided I would start writing some tidbits about jobs past and current. The adventures from behind the lens. I guess we should start from the beginning. One of my first paying jobs ever, I was still a teenager and the job was headshots for a small company. I was really nervous but held my composure and set up my backdrop and lighting. Feeling a bit more confident I lifted the camera to start shooting and the back door to my trusty 35mm just fell off. My face flushed with red and I apologized and stated that I will have to return another day. I have since had many bad, good, great, amazing, embarassing, ripley's believe it or not like and down right sad days while on set either on my own jobs or while assisting another shooter.

Today my phone rang around 2:15pm and I answered. It was someone I have worked with on and off for years. He has been known to be a practical jokester so I did not believe the conversation right away. Here is how it went approx.
"Hey Erica, are you still a certified diver?"
"I am, I believe but I have not dove in years, what's up?"
"Would you get in a shark tank?" (at this point I know this must be a joke.)
"As long as I have a good chainmail suit, I don't see why not."
"Oh ofcourse it will be very safe." (This is when I realize it is real and I become a bit stunned.)
"I will check on my certification and get right back to you."

So I may be in for the adventure of the year. We shall wait and see. Like I said I never know where a day may take me. Stay tuned to see if I make it throught this one!

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