Saturday, July 26, 2008

Upstate New York Recap. Cooler weather and Family galore!

View from the Deck
I woke at 5:15am which was really 4:15am for me. I grabbed my camera and walked out to the deck at my Aunt's house. The fog was slowly sifting across the water and the air was still and damp. All was still sleeping except for a few early risers. My aunt and soon-to-be uncle are early risers. Sitting on the front porch sipping on coffee and enjoying some conversation. It was a wonderful way to start the day. Sitting on the edge of water has always centered me, which is funny because I choose to live in the completely land locked city of Dallas. Well what can I say I love it.
Mom and Dad
I spent the day helping with a few final wedding day details then headed to have lunch with my parents. I loved being able to hang out with them while out of town.
You may kiss the BrideExcited Entry
The wedding and reception was fantastic. It was so great to see my Aunt's eyes well up with tears and see a big 'ol smile across her face. The last time I was surrounded by that many family members was six years ago. It was truly wonderful to see everyone. I can not wait to go back.
The Hurley Clan
I guess that once a yankee always a yankee.

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