Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Selected Works @ The Quinn April-May 2008

I have hung some work on my side of the river. Stop by the Local Oak Cliff watering hole for a cold beverage and an art reception. Wednesday April 9th, 2008 7pm.
My Work is at Quinn

On another note entirely.... Nancy, George and Bess was last weekend. What a blast!! I truely love working with Artists and sticking art in unexpected spaces. Thank you to all who came out and thank you SJ for taking me along for the crazy journey.


Sarah Jane said...

so glad you said yes. no way I could have done it solo baby. love you to pieces monkey.

Cari said...

Thanks for asking Lovie to play. What a cool experience, I love the fact that there are some pics with Fred and I playing and a Cathey Miller piece in the background!

I love the fact that you made an empty space come to life for the weekend.

And I'm grateful that you and SJ are not only creative in your own rights, but so skilled at collectively harnessing everyone else's creative energies to make an even bigger impact in our community.

It's really easy to put a lot of talk into the universe, but putting action into the universe is an entirely different story.

Proud that you chicas are always agents for positive change and community creativity.

bill h said...

I couldn't say it was the best event of the year, I mean you have Seed and Art Con and on and on, but It was an outstanding evening. Jill and I had a blast, loved talking to you always erica; loved meeting Ryann, loved talking to Sarah Jane, loved lovie, just all round greatness. thanks